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jim@chickenrun 11:10 Sat Dec 5
Millwall boo BLM kneeling...first of many?
A vocal section of Millwall fans have been criticised for booing as players took the knee in support of the Black Lives Matter movement before their match with Derby.

Saturday's match at The Den was the first time supporters had been able to attend Millwall's home ground since the coronavirus pandemic saw games halted in March.

About 2,000 fans were in the stands but the match was overshadowed as loud booing could be heard when players from both teams took the knee before kick off, with at least one supporter heard shouting "get up!".

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wanstead_hammer 11:00 Sun Dec 13
Re: Millwall boo BLM kneeling...first of many?
Norm 4:29
Nail on head.

normannomates 4:29 Sun Dec 13
Re: Millwall boo BLM kneeling...first of many?
BLM are cunts.
Paul Golding is a cunt
He and the nightmare got short change at wall
All racists are cunts.

Both extremes seek to exploit.. Remember that.

West ham bods have never stood for anything other than claret and blue.. This divide and rule shit won't happen

D.B Cooper 1:53 Sat Dec 12
Re: Millwall boo BLM kneeling...first of many?
Lets just replace the Union flag with the BLM flag - hoist it above Buckingham Palace and replace the Royals with a lovely 'coloured or mix race family' and bring Meghan and our 'Arry back. Maybe everyone will be happy then and our do gooder society can move on.and we can all get on with living our lives without having to say sorry and apologising on a daily basis. Job done.

Sven Roeder 1:00 Sat Dec 12
Re: Millwall boo BLM kneeling...first of many?
Yes, of course Norman was the silver medallist

Actually both of the Americans intended to bring black gloves but Carlos forgot his and Norman suggested he wear Smith's left handed glove which is why they have raised different arms.

ATBOG 12:08 Sat Dec 12
Re: Millwall boo BLM kneeling...first of many?
Standard SJW tactics. Holding gained ground and waiting for the opportunity to push on.

ironsofcanada 12:02 Sat Dec 12
Re: Millwall boo BLM kneeling...first of many?
Sky still putting up Black Lives Matter at times. In addition to the Premier League's No Room for Racism.

SurfaceAgentX2Zero 6:44 Fri Dec 11
Re: Millwall boo BLM kneeling...first of many?
Far Cough 3:25 Fri Dec 11

'Sven, Norman came second and it was his gloves that Smith and Carlos, wore'

I bet they didn't fit...

norwaytips 6:35 Fri Dec 11
Re: Millwall boo BLM kneeling...first of many?
Not a fan of the kneeling bit, but I can’t understand why someone would boo teams for demonstrating against racism; and that is what they are doing.

Mike Oxsaw 5:41 Fri Dec 11
Re: Millwall boo BLM kneeling...first of many?
Mex Martillo 3:53 Fri Dec 11

So they took the knee and STILL had to wear a badge explaining subject?

Kind of renders the gesture completely pointless.

ornchurch ammer 4:22 Fri Dec 11
Re: Millwall boo BLM kneeling...first of many?
Mex you may be right but I was referring to this country.

In all honesty i couldnt care less what teams from France and Turkey do, especially with regards to that particular incident,

E3 4:19 Fri Dec 11
Re: Millwall boo BLM kneeling...first of many?
Totally Right "No to Racism".

Mex Martillo 3:53 Fri Dec 11
Re: Millwall boo BLM kneeling...first of many?
Mike, reasonable point, but I’d also say that a large part of society see the knee at the start of a Premier match to be “no to racism”. In the restart of the PSG game thats the message, “no to racism” that all players had on their tops before the start of the game and taking the knee.

Ornchurch, take a look at the start of the PSG game to see plenty of white players with raised fist. You can thank me later.

Far Cough 3:25 Fri Dec 11
Re: Millwall boo BLM kneeling...first of many?
Sven, Norman came second and it was his gloves that Smith and Carlos, wore

Sven Roeder 1:54 Fri Dec 11
Re: Millwall boo BLM kneeling...first of many?
The white players could just stand in solidarity with the black players rather than raise a fist.
Like Peter Norman (the bronze medallist) did with the two black athletes on the podium at the 1968 Olympics
He was a devout Christian so believed in equality and was disgracefully treated afterwards and driven out of the sport.

ornchurch ammer 1:42 Fri Dec 11
Re: Millwall boo BLM kneeling...first of many?
Let's be honest, since the two Black American Olympic athletes in the 60's black people raising the fist has been universally recognised as a symbol of Black Power.

Yes, there are other examples of raised fists but those arguing that the black players do not mean it as black power are probably the same as those arguing against those who said that the booing was against the BLM political links and not racist. I've yet to see a white player raise a fist.

Anyway moving on I think the BBC are missing a trick.
Surely Lineker, Shearer and Wrighty should take a knee at the start of MOTD.

GreenStreetPlayer 10:30 Fri Dec 11
Re: Millwall boo BLM kneeling...first of many?
chedylan 2 8:02 Thu Dec 10

Takashi Miike 10:17 Fri Dec 11
Re: Millwall boo BLM kneeling...first of many?
yes, nothing to do with black power. kazim richards was paying tribute to wolfie smith when raising his fist

ATBOG 9:59 Fri Dec 11
Re: Millwall boo BLM kneeling...first of many?
"I would also not consider a raised fist to be only black power."

True re the raised fist, but its pretty indisputable that in the context of the PSG Istanbul game it was clearly in relation to the black power fist which is a more militant, aggressive symbol of civil rights. When you contrast that message against what actually happened - an overreaction to an innocent naive mistake then it becomes divisive, like the QPR players celebrating in the Millwall fans face with the same symbol when the fans had applauded the unity linking of arms prior to kick off. Some of the pro's need to get off their soapboxes and calm the fuck down because they'll end up killing their golden goose.

Mike Oxsaw 9:43 Fri Dec 11
Re: Millwall boo BLM kneeling...first of many?
Mex Martillo 8:32 Fri Dec 11

If you want to get a message across, it's up to you to do so in a way that your audience understand what you are saying.

The PL have no power over how people interpret that message if society in general interpret it another way.

Take, for instance, calling somebody "gay".

In the (very) early part of my life it was definitely not a euphemism for homosexual, but, globally, it is now not only accepted as meaning that, it is challenging the original word as the description of that condition (NOT illness).

It's original meaning is all but lost. It matters not who clings onto that original meaning; that won't be how the majority of the audience interpret it.

Mex Martillo 8:43 Fri Dec 11
Re: Millwall boo BLM kneeling...first of many?
SurfaceAgentX2Zero 1:34 Thu Dec 10
Sorry I did not notice your question before.
Kind of depends on the context and the manner in which it is done.
I had no problem with the PSG and Istanbul players doing it the other day.
Anyway, I would also not consider a raised fist to be only black power. It is more power to the people that are raising the fist, usually suppressed people fighting for their rights. I remember John Lennon using it with his song power to the people. Freddy Mercury used it a lot as well. Would you consider those black power statements?

Mex Martillo 8:32 Fri Dec 11
Re: Millwall boo BLM kneeling...first of many?
Mike Oxsaw 8:57 Thu Dec 10

Yes, lots of interpretations are possible. But right now it what do all the Premiership players think the statement is that they are making. I say it is “no to racism”.
Would be good if someone asked them to be fair.

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